Wala Coffee Auction 2023 Set (incl. 20 Roasted Beans)
Limited Editions.
Best Geishas Of Colombia.
Each jar have 15g of roasted beans.
Lots in this auction
Natural 1a Serendipia 1b Aurora 12 Susurro 16a Inmarcesible 16b Petricor 17 Efervescencia Honey 11 Sempiterno Washed 2a Gentileza 2b Inefable 2c Ataraxia 3 Inconmensurable 5 Iridiscencia 6a Imprescindible 6b Luminiscencia 7 Melifluo 8a Primavera 8b Perenne 10 Arrebol 13 Ojala produced 15 Acendrado
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